1. (B) Program to calculate the roots of a quadratic equation using the formula.
responce=1; | |
while responce==1 | |
a=input("input the value of a:") | |
b=input("input the value of b:") | |
c=input("input the value of c:") | |
if a==0 then | |
if b~=0 then | |
r1=-c/b; | |
disp(r1,"the root:") | |
else disp("trival solution") | |
end | |
else | |
discr=b^2-4*a*c; | |
if discr>=0 then | |
r1=(-b+sqrt(discr))/(2*a); | |
r2=(-b-sqrt(discr))/(2*a); | |
disp(r2,"and",r1,"the roots are:") | |
else | |
r1=-b/(2*a) | |
r2=r1; | |
i1=sqrt(abs(discr))/(2*a); | |
i2=i1; | |
disp(r2+i2*sqrt(-1),r1+i1*sqrt(-1),"the roots are:") | |
end | |
end | |
responce=input("do you want to continue (press 1 for yes and 2 if responce=2 then exit;)") | |
end | |
end | |
end |
1. (B) Program to calculate the roots of a quadratic equation using the formula.
Reviewed by admin
December 24, 2019
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