1. (A) Design an employee class for reading and displaying the employee information, the getInfo() and displayInfo() methods will be used repectively. Where getInfo() will be private method

1. (A) Design an employee class for reading and displaying the employee information, the getInfo() and displayInfo() methods will be used repectively. Where getInfo() will be private method 
Design an employee class for reading and displaying the employee information, the getInfo() and displayInfo() methods will be used repectively. Where getInfo() will be private method

# include <iostream.h>
# include <conio.h>
class employee
int emp_id;
char emp_name[30];
double salary;
void getinfo()
cout<<"Enter Name"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter ID"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter salary"<<endl;
void displayinfo()
cout<<endl<<"THE INFORMATION ENTERED IS :"<<endl;
cout<<"Name is "<<emp_name<<endl;
cout<<"ID is "<<emp_id<<endl;
cout<<"Your salary is "<<salary<<endl;
void main()
employee e1;
1. (A) Design an employee class for reading and displaying the employee information, the getInfo() and displayInfo() methods will be used repectively. Where getInfo() will be private method 1. (A) Design an employee class for reading and displaying the employee information, the getInfo() and displayInfo() methods will be used repectively. Where getInfo() will be private method Reviewed by admin on December 23, 2019 Rating: 5

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